Written by Stannah
On World Health Day, you will certainly read about healthy habits and, for instance, how drinking water is good for your health. While these are all helpful tips and important topics to cover, we decided to take things further. What if you couldn’t drink that glass of water by yourself? That same glass of water […]
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The theme for the International Day of Families 2018 is “Families and inclusive societies”. Although the focus is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, we think promoting inclusive societies means much more than that. It means equal opportunities for all, including and especially for our seniors. The first step in creating an […]
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Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. Edith Sitwell Indeed it is. When winter comes around, especially during December, most of us crave the comforts of our warm and toasty homes. […]
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Brothers Brian and Alan Stannah received their MBEs for services to British Manufacturing on the 23rd of November, from none other than His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The ceremony was held at Buckingham Palace in the city of London, and the entire Stannah family could not be prouder of this tremendous honour. Who […]
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Home health care services can improve life for your aging parents. It may not sound like rocket science but is an option that is often not considered. From help with the shopping to daily home visits, there are many options out there that could be the solution you’re looking for. We can’t always be there […]
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When it comes to aging, our thinking is often reactionary. Much of the narrative is set around what to do if “X, Y and Z” happens. So often, we look for answers after the problem has occurred and there is no other choice but to act. Instead of waiting for something to go wrong, let’s […]
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According to the National Statistics Office, elderly people made up 18.8% of the total population in Malta by the end of 2017 and considering that this number is likely to keep increasing in the next 20 or 30 years, age-friendly technology and devices to help improve the experience of ageing at home are more of […]
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Although “The 100-year-old man who climbed out of a window and disappeared” by Jonas Jonasson came out a few years ago, it really is worth a mention as its wacky humour and unexpected plot changes make it a really good read (as long as you accept that in Allan Karlsson’s world, anything can happen). Published […]
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