Category: Lifestyle

Still Alice: a story about early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Still Alice: a story about early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Written by Stannah

“What if you were to lose every memory you ever had?” in “Still Alice”, by Lisa Genova Images sourced from Newstateman and Howard or Film Julianne Moore’s Oscar and Bafta winning performance couldn’t have been more powerful. She completely transformed herself into a renowned linguistics professor at Columbia University who faces an unexpected diagnosis. When […]

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Senior Golfer watches his shot

Senior Golf: A Healthy Balance of Fun & Exercise

Written by Stannah

It’s one of the best feelings in sports: the perfect golf shot. Everything is balanced and in rhythm. The world slows down. Your thoughts and movements are fluid, working together, perfectly in sync. You feel the ball give, and before even lifting your head to track it, you know exactly where it’s going. These are […]

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The secret diary of Hendrik Groen, the 83 ¼ year old who conquered our hearts!

Written by Stannah

“The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old”. This unique diary has won over readers far beyond its homeland (the Netherlands). In fact, the translation rights of the award-winning book have been sold to more than 35 countries! The book is on the international best-sellers list and has since been developed into a […]

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Books to read by the fire: this list will get you through the dark winter months!

Written by Stannah

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. Edith Sitwell Indeed it is. When winter comes around, especially during December, most of us crave the comforts of our warm and toasty homes. […]

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The 100-year-old man

Book review: Allan Karlsson, 100 years old and still looking for adventure!

Written by Stannah

Although “The 100-year-old man who climbed out of a window and disappeared” by Jonas Jonasson came out a few years ago, it really is worth a mention as its wacky humour and unexpected plot changes make it a really good read (as long as you accept that in Allan Karlsson’s world, anything can happen). Published […]

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Financial management tools

Ageing in Place: How to Help Aging Parents with their Finance Management

Written by Stannah

Family finances have the potential to cause a lot of problems. In this article, Stannah hope to help tackle the issue of family finances before any issues arise, by being proactive and getting everything sorted as early as possible. Some articles say you should have this conversation with your parents as soon as they retire, […]

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“Russell, Carl Fredricksen and Dug”

Movie UP Revisited – An uplifting adventure

Written by Stannah

Up is a story about aging and realizing that life is messy and not something that we can always control. No matter how you look at it, through the eyes of a child or a senior, there are lessons to be learned on how to get the most out of life. You have to watch […]

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Senior gardening: couple gardening together

Senior gardening: learn more about the benefits of a therapeutic garden

Written by Stannah

Ever wondered why so many take up gardening after they´ve retired? Aside from having the luxury of more spare time, attending to a garden or simply enjoying the contact with nature promotes several health benefits that can help seniors feel better, avoid stress and anxiety and live a fuller life. If you think about it, […]

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